Unique Choice Daycare
Sponsoring a child at Unique Choice DayCare Centre is one of the greatest ways to support us. Some children need sponsorship to be at Unique Choice Daycare Centre becasue their parents cannot afford the little fees charged by the Centre just to keep the centre running. You can do the following:
- pay for a child to be at Unique Choice daycare
- pay just for the food they get at school
- pay school fees for them (food excluded)
- pay half school fees for a child
- make a donation to support the program as a whole
Sponsor a child in a Public School
There are also children in need of sponsorship, but their age is beyond the scope of Unique Choice Daycare Centre. You can sponsor one or more of these kids from their primary education up to their O-level secondary education or even higher if you choose so. If you choose to do this, then you will do as listed below.
- pay for their school uniforms
- pay for their school study-tour trips
- You pay for their food at school
- You pay for a health insurance for the child
- make a donation to support the program
Support us to empower the youths
In this area there are several options you can choose from to support us. With our youth program we have a number of activities that we conduct. We visit secondary schools to train youths on life-skills. We hold regular meetings at our centre for the same purpose. We help the youth find work. Below is a list on items on how you can support this program.
- pay for secondary school visits for life-skills education
- make a donation towards costs of youth meetings at our centre
- pay for a youth to get a vocational training course to get a job
- donate towards our TVT Vocational Training Centre project.
Support us to empower women
Another way to support us is by getting involved in our women's empowerment program. With this program we do a number of activities. Like business training meetings, women's general discussion meetings, handcraft activities, business grants/loans and so on. To support this program, you can do the following;
- pay for us to host one or more business training events
- help us support a woman to start her own business
- donate materials that would enable a women to start a business
- buy women's handcraft work to support them
- find a market for their hand-made products
Donate towards our ongoing projects
Currently we are working on a number of projects for the community Centre project: with this project we are building a new meeting area where our women, children for remedial classes and the youths will be meeting. The sub-projects are, building a wall fence, digging and building a toilet chamber and the toilets, buiding a classroom in which the programs will be taking place, buiding a separate room for the women to sell their goods from as well as buying an incubator for the women to produce chicks that they will be taking home to raise. The project needs at least 10,000,000TZS. You can help us complete the implementation of these projects as follows
- make a donation towards the overall budget of these sub-projects
- pay for one or more things to be instaled (eg. a window, a door, a floor for a room or more)
- help us find funders elsewhere by writing a proposal for us
- donate learning/teaching materials towards our day-care service
- help us get our word spread by telling family and friends about us